The truth about how automation is affecting property management.
Automation in the property management industry has been increasing, which has caused some people to wonder if the entire job will become automated. However, I do not think that will happen, and I’m here to talk about why.
The increase in automation has truly helped the industry in a lot of ways, like allowing for electronic signatures, owner portals, 24/7 service hotlines, and online applications. Automation has become necessary in this industry. However, you truly need boots on the ground, so to speak.
"The top companies take advantage of technology but also employ the best people."
The truth is that real people out working is still completely essential, despite the rise in technology. For example, an inspection needs to be done by a real person in the actual property. Also, property management means dealing with a lot of maintenance, which requires a competent handyman. Then you’ll need someone to inspect their work. Overall, having someone work in person is essential.
Therefore, I don’t believe the industry will become completely automated. Plus, the better your people are, the better your company and its service will be. I believe automation is about as far as we can take it. The top companies take advantage of technology but also employ the best people.
If you have any questions about this or anything related to property management, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call or email me anytime, and I look forward to hearing from you.